Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Apple cider vinegar diet

Apple cider vinegar diet.

Is it true that apple cider vinegar diet to lose weight?
Let us look from the other side of this diet:
You need to know, that there are two kinds of apple cider vinegar
Apple vinegar and apple cider vinegar :

1. Apple vinegar Apple vinegar made ​​from fermented apple juice
2. Apple cider vinegar made ​​from apple cider containing alcohol (cider).

Apple cider vinegar has long been claimed capable of treating several diseases, including treating arthiris, thin the blood, lowering the cholesterol content in blood, even the supposedly can lose weight.
However, these assumptions have not been proven, until now there has been no scientific studies that can prove that the apple cider vinegar has health benefits, most of these assumptions and beliefs of the suggestion.

In fact, consuming vinegar (acetic acid) in excess, it is not advisable, because it can damage the stomach. Especially for those who have disorders of the digestive system.
But if you still want to consume apple vinegar, it is advisable not to consume too much, the proper dose of about 2 tablespoons per day. And to reduce the acidity should be mixed with honey or fruit juice.
So if you still want to do apple cider vinegar diet, do it safely and do not forget to consult with a your doctor.

Healthy diet is the best way for diet.

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