Friday, February 17, 2012

Healthy fruit and vegetable juice

 Healthy fruit and vegetable juices, it is beverage that could helps keep of your health, otherwise healthy fruit and vegetable juices can also keep your immune system. Healthy fruit juices and vegetable juices are the recipes that use a mixture of fruits and vegetables. The benefit will be maximal if we can chose fruits and vegetables to combine.

 1.Juice for the body cleansing

This juice recipe beneficial for maintaining the condition of the body stay fit, could prevent the flu and make your skin brighter. Very good and beneficial for healthy skin, besides its main function to give effect throughout the body cleansing.
The ingredients is: 1 Ginger, 3 carrots, 3 Apples.

2. Juice for Reducer of body heat
This juice recipe will immediately reduce the heat of the body in a state over body heat. You'll be more comfortable. Both also enjoyed during the summer. The ingredients are GOURD Bitter Apples and Milk

3. Juice for Anti-Oxidant
Is very beneficial for anti-oxidants, to overcome of toxicity and to normalize blood pressure. The addition of other fruit drinks are makes ​​fresh to be consumed. The ingredients are: 3 Mango, 2 carrots, 2 Apples, 2 Pears.

4. Juice for relieving bad breath
Actually, this juice is suitable also for of you who want healthy skin, but in addition its main functionality it could be to relieve bad breath. The ingredients are: 1 apple, 1 tomato, and a Carrot

5. Juice for reduce cholesterol
Celery and apples are known as fruits and vegetables can reduce cholesterol, and very useful for fighting cancer. Moreover, it can also relieve stomach problems and headache. It is good to be consumed every day. The ingredients are: 1 cucumber, 2 apples, and 1 bunch of celery.

That's 5 Fruits and Vegetables Recipes Healthy Juices.
Fresh and healthy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lose Your Weight With Healthy Food

Lose Your Weight With Healthy Food
Some foods that can help you lose weight, for those of you who are dieting.


Sound strange
indeed. . but here is not that sweet popcorn, but popcorn with fresh flavors. If you do not know the popcorn contain substances such as wheat, buckwheat, millet or rice.

Nuts and seeds

Despite the fact that
nuts and seeds contain fat, but fat that is very helpful, to prevent obesity and weight gain accumulation. Due to contain elements of polyunsaturated.
But the primary and indispensable condition is, that nuts and seeds should be able to replace cakes and sweets, which are rich in saturated fat is unhealthy.

Boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes, or potatoes in the direct consumption of the salad, if the salad is not added or mayonase fatty acids, has a low glemik index.
In combination with a vinegar based salad, boiled potatoes can stimulate the production of hormones that suppress appetite.

Source : Best Health Care Guide

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Apple cider vinegar diet

Apple cider vinegar diet.

Is it true that apple cider vinegar diet to lose weight?
Let us look from the other side of this diet:
You need to know, that there are two kinds of apple cider vinegar
Apple vinegar and apple cider vinegar :

1. Apple vinegar Apple vinegar made ​​from fermented apple juice
2. Apple cider vinegar made ​​from apple cider containing alcohol (cider).

Apple cider vinegar has long been claimed capable of treating several diseases, including treating arthiris, thin the blood, lowering the cholesterol content in blood, even the supposedly can lose weight.
However, these assumptions have not been proven, until now there has been no scientific studies that can prove that the apple cider vinegar has health benefits, most of these assumptions and beliefs of the suggestion.

In fact, consuming vinegar (acetic acid) in excess, it is not advisable, because it can damage the stomach. Especially for those who have disorders of the digestive system.
But if you still want to consume apple vinegar, it is advisable not to consume too much, the proper dose of about 2 tablespoons per day. And to reduce the acidity should be mixed with honey or fruit juice.
So if you still want to do apple cider vinegar diet, do it safely and do not forget to consult with a your doctor.

Healthy diet is the best way for diet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit diet, is one option to performed a healthy diet, have been many studies that prove eating grapes can lose weight.

One study performed at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, states that have conducted research on 100 people suffering from obesity problems.

The research was performed on two groups of respondents who consisted of men and women. consume wine, in the form of fresh fruit, or juice

The result after about twelve weeks, the first group who consume wine, has decreased quite a lot of weight, about 3.3 pounds.

As for the second group who did not consume wine, only a decrease in weight as much as 1.1 pounds.
For the record, the two groups did not do exercise, and only given the grapes alone in serving the food.
Scripps Clinic is finding out, about the content of the wine contained in a very powerful way to lose weight by preventing fat-forming enzymes in carbohydrates.

But it is better if the grapes before the diet, consult your doctor first, because in some circumstances could conflict with the wine of certain drugs such as blood pressure lowering drugs, sedatives, and antihistamines.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby food diet

Baby food diet, the more popular among the people, especially the women. Since there are few reported that Hollywood actress admitted the baby food diet to obtain the ideal body, slim with a quick, direct this kind of diet popular among women.Some of the artists who recognize the Hollywood baby food diet include Jennifer Aniston and Reese Whitherspoon

But is it true baby food can create your ideal posture? Are the expected results can be quickly?
There are some things you should consider before you do this diet, such as:
Choosing a baby food can be consumed for baby food dietTo start or you are just starting out, all kinds of baby food can be consumed. No specific guidelines regarding the amount or type of baby food can be consumed. It also applies to when you can consume it, basically you can eat baby food at breakfast, at dinner, or as a snack, and can even be consumed throughout the day.

Basically, baby food diet is a way to change your diet to replace high-calorie foods with baby food.Another positive thing, the baby food contained preservatives and additives that are relatively low.There are some advantages and disadvantages of using baby food diet