Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit diet, is one option to performed a healthy diet, have been many studies that prove eating grapes can lose weight.

One study performed at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, states that have conducted research on 100 people suffering from obesity problems.

The research was performed on two groups of respondents who consisted of men and women. consume wine, in the form of fresh fruit, or juice

The result after about twelve weeks, the first group who consume wine, has decreased quite a lot of weight, about 3.3 pounds.

As for the second group who did not consume wine, only a decrease in weight as much as 1.1 pounds.
For the record, the two groups did not do exercise, and only given the grapes alone in serving the food.
Scripps Clinic is finding out, about the content of the wine contained in a very powerful way to lose weight by preventing fat-forming enzymes in carbohydrates.

But it is better if the grapes before the diet, consult your doctor first, because in some circumstances could conflict with the wine of certain drugs such as blood pressure lowering drugs, sedatives, and antihistamines.

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